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Travel with an animal


  • Vaccinate dogs and cats against rabies, and this between 21 days and a year before the date of the trip (knowing that those of less than three months cannot travel).
  • Treat dogs and cats with pest control.
    • Internal pest control treatment 21 days prior departure
    • External pest control treatment within 14 days prior departure
  • Have dogs, cats and ferrets (designated as “domestic carnivores”) identified by a veterinarian. From 2011, the only identification tattoo will no longer be enough: a microchip must necessarily have been implanted on the animal.
  • Plan to obtain a health certificate within 5 days of your departure.
  • And above all, don’t forget his health book!

Animals are accepted on planes, but it is necessary to inquire with the company about its precise conditions. Show up at least half an hour before check-in time. As a general rule, animals weighing less than 5 kg can travel in the cabin – without exceeding the threshold of two animals on the same flight -, in a special case or bag.

Beyond this weight, the animals travel in the hold – ventilated, heated and pressurized – in approved cages (purchased from a pet store or at the airport) and specifying the direction of storage (top, bottom).
In terms of price, you have to count – on a long-haul – per kilo: around 1.5% of the price of an adult ticket for a one-way ticket in economy class. People with disabilities who travel only with their guide dogs should benefit from free service and the presence of the animal at their side.

Note, for “traveler” birds and to avoid chirping and nuisance songs: a black cloth must cover the cage during the flight.


All animals entering Dutch territory at Sint Maarten must be in possession of the “APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO IMPORT ANIMALS” form duly completed and validated by the authorities in charge.

This document must be filled in by yourself and then sent by email to the address:

You will then receive a response by email with the approval of the responsible authorities.
No additional cost is due, all airlines in the territory are subject to this rule.
In the absence of this document, or if it has not been validated before entering the territory, the animals will be quarantined or turned back.
Please note that the certificate is valid for 1 month from the date of issue.

Please make your arrangements as soon as possible to avoid any problems in the event of a last minute departure.



As of 01/08/2024 (for dogs only), the US authorities require additional paperwork for return, regardless of nationality. Therefore, you’ll need to fill out the “CDC Dog Import Form” online, and provide a certificate of good health.

Also, if you’ve been in St. Barthélémy for more than a month and are transferring to Sint Maarten, you’ll need to fill once again the “APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO IMPORT ANIMALS” online form to re-enter the USA.